Friday, 19 December 2008
Character Model Sheets
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
New Animatic
The latest version of my Animatic, which was shown at the first rush on Wednesday 3rd of Dec.
Basically the same as the previous version but it now contains more sound effects and backgrounds. I have added a shot where the umbrella falls to the ground when dropped by the mother, and also adjusted the scene where mother and child are reunited. Although it works as an animatic in that it tells the story, I still feel the reuniting scene isn't quite correct. The most important part of the story is when the mother realises the importance of the doll and although I've started to portray this in the animatic I think there is another shot needed. This shot will probably be of the Mother watching the child be reunited with her doll. The current shots in that scene also need to be closer to the characters, so that the viewer feels the intimacy of the moment.