Wednesday, 14 January 2009


These are the main layout designs for my film. Originally I tried to draw these out neatly and with a ruler trying to get the perspective exactly right, but this failed to produce the backgrounds I had imagined and a style of line art similar to the Anna and Bella backgrounds below. So I started doing quicker sketches without a ruler and a much thicker and softer pencil, apart from the fact I draw better like this I think the backgrounds are more dynamic this way and appear less empty as it's almost appropriate to leave detail out.

Anna and bella screen shots

The line art for some of the final layouts will need to be cleaner and thinner than the designs below, especially where the layout will be used for close ups. Some of the background designs are more detailed than they may be once in the final aesthetic, but I wish to get the information in partly to increase my understanding of the environment the film is set in but also to help me decide how detailed the background should be.

In the current animatic the background's look almost to much and cause the characters to not stand out. But hopefully once in the final aesthetic where a lot of the detail in the distance will be blurred or even removed with the for ground cleaner coloured this won't be a problem.

The layout below was the most complicated to create as it needs to be moving. In the scene where the mother runs along the river bank searching for Megan I wanted the camera to follow behind as she runs, to hopefully help the audience empathise with her. This of course means she has to run into the background and the background not only get larger but reveal more of itself as she goes further into it. To achieve this I created the picture below with each tree or bush on a separate layer and as whole objects even where they are covered by a object in front. I was then able to import them all in to after effects and using the camera and some clever positioning and re sizing able to create the illusion that the mother is actually running through the trees.

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