Saturday, 31 January 2009

Asethic Developements and Девочка дура

So been considering my aesthetic while getting on with animating, although I do like the previous Mock ups I created they aren't quite what I want and I'm hoping to improve it or many even change it all together. Gerry showed me the short film Milch by Igor Kovalyov, I dislike how he has done his characters but the backgrounds are stunning. Although quite complex there is definitely inspiration for my own background aesthetic, especially his limited use of colour and the almost glowing misty backdrops.

I also came across the film Девочка дура, which you can watch below.

Really love this short film, and it is much closer to what I had in mind for my own film then anything I have come across before for the aesthetic. I like the simplicity of it and the use of colour.

What I'd now like to achieve for my film is an aesthetic that looks like a moving drawing/illustration, so it will have an unfinished quality, remain quite sketchy and have a few splashes of very light water colour, I would also like to use a paper texture.

1 comment:

gerry said...

what I really like about this film is that it is all from the child's POV. We don't get any angles from an adult perspective, we barely see any features of adults and the simplicity of the soundtrack. The spot FX are foregrounded whilst any spoken word is background, this helps when thinking about how international you want you audience without relying on subtitles! Have you looked at the watercolour backgrounds on Ryan Herbert's blog, he and I spoke of the idea of doing soft dissolves between each background and creating several paintings for each shot. I think they work really well and can be very subtle but effective.