Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Final Animatic

So this is the animatic I handed in for the animatic deadline.

It now has all the camera moves, and proper layout designs which means some of them camera angles have changed. I have also added rain, to demonstrate that it is actually raining but also to emphasise the moments when it's not raining. Some of the shots have blank backgrounds, these are mostly close ups where the characters are not interacting with the background and I plan for these to just be coloured in the final film as a background is really not necessary and would distract from the characters. I have changed the part where the mother realises that Megan has gone after the doll, by replacing the close up of the umbrella falling to the floor to a mid/long shot of the mother running to the bridge side and rearranging the surrounding shots, I did this as seeing the umbrella fall to the floor is not important for the narrative, and I feel it reads much better as it is now.


gerry said...

The new animatic flows much better than the last one I saw, maybe adding rain atmos track helps with the continuity? Hope you have thought about how the backgrounds will create another layer of depth in the narrative, the animatic doesn't always carry a look of foreboding, but giving clues to narrative via musical queues is a bit obvious at times, think about how you might change this within the frame.

nickani said...

Please look again at the end scene to really hit the end of the emotional journey. Presently the little girl momentarily comes second to the doll. Perhaps the mother kneels down to recover the doll, looks around ( A NATURAL MATERNAL RESPONSE )eyes the shoes of the little girl who is standing next to her. One shoe will of course have the laces or strap undone to signify she had been off on her own. They can then be simultaneously reunited in an extension to the scene that can demonstrate the mother's new found affection for the doll.Nick