Sunday, 4 January 2009

New Animatic - New Ending and Soundtrack

This is basically the same as the previous animatics, apart from the some of the ending which I have redrawn and changed slightly. I have also used the samples given to me by my composer and voice artist to create a new soundtrack that is closer to the final one, than the placeholders used previously.

I change the ending because as I said before it is the most important part of the story and yet I felt it was the weakest part of the animatic and didn't portray the feelings and emotions it needed to. The new ending I feel is an improvement, as well as being happier it is more focused on the mother and her change of heart towards the doll.

There is only new dialogue for the mother as although I originally planned for Posy Brewer to do both mother and child this didn't work well as we both agreed it would sound better if they were voiced by different people.

The music score is near to completion, needing only a few adjustments, this has been created entirely by Tim Ineson. A link to both his website and Posy Brewer's can be found in the link section at the side of the blog.


gerry said...

I think you could do a lot to the narrative by thinking about the mise-en-scène and how the colour palette might change depending on the mood you are trying to convey within each sequence. The dialogue seems stilted at times, the little girls voice seems too old for the character, maybe a younger childs voice is needed?

Holly Ward said...

Cheers for the feedback. I had previously thought that the colour palette would reflect the mood especially as the rain does this.
I do feel the weakest part is the dialouge, i may cut much of it out as it's not always necessary. The child's voice is actually me, I am hoping to get an actual child from somewhere to do the voice.